Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, The Oviatt has a liquor license and all permits required for the sale and management of alcohol. Outside bar agencies are welcome. Please note, all alcohol must be purchased via The Oviatt’s in-house bar program. Different tiered-level bar experiences are available. Please inquire directly by emailing

  • A total of 120 guests.

  • Yes, The Oviatt has a list of preferred culinary partners that are experienced with serving our guests and event groups. Outside culinary is also welcome. For our list of preferred partners, please email

  • Yes, The Oviatt has a preferred partner list and we are happy to share it with inquiring couples and event parties. Please email

  • Choice of valet services through a preferred partner or several self-park lots in the immediate area.

  • Yes, the sound must be off at midnight and the event must be loaded out by 1 am.

  • Yes, The Oviatt has high-speed wireless internet that covers the whole penthouse and deck.

  • Yes, The Oviatt has wired speakers that can play in every room in the penthouse.

  • The Oviatt has a large tent that can be set up on the deck in case of rain or inclement weather. Please inquire directly by emailing

  • While we take special care to preserve the historic penthouse, we create an environment where all guests feel comfortable and welcome. We have no restrictions on eating or drinking inside but any decor or additions made for the event must be taken down at event end time.

  • Smoking is allowed on the upper deck at the event host's discretion.

  • Due to city permitting, candles or open flames are not allowed. However, the use of electronic candles and votives are encouraged.

The Oviatt Building
The Oviatt Building


Cookie and Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 24, 2024.

The Oviatt is committed to protecting the privacy and rights of California residents in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose information through our website

Information We Collect

1. Personal Information:

- We may collect personal information, as defined by the CCPA, such as name, email address, and contact details when voluntarily provided by users.

2. Categories of Personal Information Collected:

- We may collect the following categories of personal information:

- Identifiers

- Contact Information

- Internet and Electronic Network Activity

Use of Information

1. Purpose of Collection:

- We collect personal information for the following purposes:

- Responding to inquiries

- Providing requested services

- Sending relevant updates

2. No Sale of Personal Information:

- We do not sell your personal information to third parties.


1. **Notice of Cookies:**

- We provide notice that our website uses cookies for various purposes.

2. **Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information:**

- Users have the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information. We do not sell personal information.

**Consumer Rights**

Under the CCPA, California residents have the following rights:

1. **Right to Know:**

- You have the right to know what personal information we have collected, used, disclosed, and sold about you.

2. **Right to Delete:**

- You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information.

3. **Right to Opt-Out:**

- You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information.


We implement reasonable security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, or disclosure of your personal information.

**Changes to This Privacy Policy**

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. Any changes will be reflected on this page with the updated date.

**Contact Us**

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy or want to exercise your rights under the CCPA, please contact us at


Ensure that you customize the policy based on your specific practices, and consider seeking legal advice to ensure compliance with CCPA and other applicable laws.